cool text / a place to create headers, blinkies, etc. used for this very page. :-)

glitter text online / generates glittery text in many different fonts and colors.

blinkie maker by myblinkie / lots of blinkie templates if you can't make your own! used this site for the link buttons on the homepage.

glowtxt / a glowing text generator, also links some other interesting text generators that are similar to this one.

pixlr / a free image editor that i use from time to time! it's super reliable, and interface is easy to use.

how i created my quote generator / a little tutorial on how to create a quote generator for your website.

textspace generator / generate some cute logos for your site.

gifcities / how could i forget our dearly beloved gifcities? if you're unfamiliar, gifcities is an archive of gifs from the geocities days, courtsey of the wayback machine and internet archive.


shrine favicons / credit to this tumblr for the favicons used for my kazuya and lain shrine.

web creations by jumpy / a nice website filled with graphics! highly recommend, it's fantastic.

glitter graphics / a place for graphics that have a 2000's charm to it.

w3schools / a useful site that teaches css and html as well as some other programming languages. it really helped me set up my site when i first started!

horror gif necronomicon / a grimoire of various horror gifs! also has spooky midi files for autoplay.

fauux / a mysterious little lain site. the wired login symbol above comes from that site. i recommend the site to all average serial experiments lain enjoyers.


queer history essays by rictor norton

marxists internet archive / here you can unlearn that red scare propaganda they taught you in school (if you live in the west, specifically america, that is). offers a lot of fundamental marxist, marxist-leninist, and maoist texts for FREE!

let's crush capitalism / if you simply don't have the time or attention span to read thousands and thousands of pages by dead white guys on leftism, here's a more accessible alternative.

project gutenberg / a library of over 60,000 free ebooks. have fun reading on the seven seas, matey.


sketch reference daily / rotation of a variety of poses for sketching practice.

adorkastock/senshistock / a deviantart account with a bunch of reference photos. i've used this site a ton for references, it's a fucking fantastic resource.

first view fashion photography archive / now you might be wondering, why the hell is a fashion archive doing in the art links section? well, it's truly a hidden gem! if you're an artist i highly recommend looking at runway photos for practicing sketching clothes and fabric, as well as poses. they're also a great source of inspiration.

arts and culture / if you're bored, play around on this site and learn about some great masterpieces.

smarthistory / a FREE youtube channel and website which focuses on art history. i highly recommend checking it out if you're into art history like me, it's very informative and goes in depth on a variety of works.


minitokyo / a site with lots of anime wallpapers to decorate your desktop, as well as scans too.

empty movement / an utena site that's been in the fandom for as long as the fandom on the web has been alive! it has so much utena content, holy shit i love this site.

anilinks / site directory for everything to do with anime and manga.

amassment / site directory for shrines and fansites alike.

anime fanlistings network / site directory/network for fanlistings that have to do with anime and manga. i'd recommend joining some if you're into anime and manga like me, it's nice to be connected with others who like the same things you do. 8-)

shoujo bouquet / a project dedicated to shoujo's history, as well as a general fansite for the shoujo genre.


neocities neighborhoods / neighborhoods for neocities! features a lot of sweet sites in the community, including me.

districts / the forebearer to neocities neighborhoods. puts their own spin on the old geocities neighborhoods.

yoohoo search / a search engine just of neocities sites.

girl and queer punk bands / a site which promotes both active and inactive girl + queer punk bands across the united states.